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The first special offer of the year start with a couple of artworks in neat cigar boxes. Here is how the bidding works. Good luck!

1. Say hi
Write me a mail to and tell me which artwork you would like to own. Please also include your country to evaluate the shipping costs.

2. Increase your chance:
You saw the countdown, right? You can write your mail now or, lets say, in four days and you will be still considered. However, the closer your are  to the deadline (the zero of the countdown) the better your chance to get a piece.

3. Don´t worry:
You acted too fast?… no big deal, you can pull off the deal at any time. First I sort all mails and  get back to the winners. Then we clarify all details and only if everything looks good to both of us we seal the deal.

Title: Business Talks
Price: 250 € (including lit cigar box and power adapter, shipping excluded)
Size: 23 x 17 cm (6.6 x 9.1 inch)
Frame: The artwork is displayed in a original black Cohiba cigar box, lit with LED
Series: 5 similar originals available


Price: 200 € (including lit cigar box and power adapter, shipping excluded)
Size: 21 x 21 cm (6.1 x 6.1 inch)
Frame: The artwork is displayed in a Graycliff cigar box from the Bahamas, lit with LED